(Image source from: Ban these relationship myths})
A relationships has to be nurtured by the couple. It's fate cannot be based on beliefs or myths. Many couples break-up because of faulty relationship myths. Don't be a victim of relationship myths that mar your chances of happiness with your partner. Here are some relationship myths that you need to avoid.
Love means no need to apologize
Two people in love need not apoligise to each other. This is a wrong notion that often affects relationships. Being in love doesn't mean there is no need to apologize. People think that when you are in love there is no need to say sorry. On the contrary, you have to say sorry and apologize to the people we love the most as they are also the people who can hurt us the most. Your partner may be fully aware of your mood swings. But when you make a nasty comment due to anger, you have to apologize as it removes hard feelings between the two of you.
No need to say 'I Love You'
Two people in love have to assure and reassure their partner of their feelings for each other. Everytime you express your love to your partner, it strengthens your relationship. It also makes your partner feels loved and cared and there is no feeling of being taken for granted. Couples who are in the habit of saying 'I Love You' in words, through gifts, thoughtful gestures, texts or with hugs foster a healthy relationship.
Taking fidelity for granted
Keep working towards a healthy relationship with your spouse or partner. Don't neglect your relationship thinking that both of you are loyal and devoted. It could be risky as we are humans and crave for emotional attachment. Prolonged neglect of your relationship may lead to an extra-marital affair.
No short cut
Happy couples who have been in long-lasting relationship reveal that they had been nurturing it all along. And don't take your relationship as hard work as it will affect your lovelife as the fun element will vanish. Happy relationship means being together and that can't be a chore. There can be no short-cut to happy relationship, it definitely requires some effort from the partners.
The fate of your relationship lies in our own hand. Avoid these relationship myths and work towards long-lasting happiness with your partner.
(AW: Pratima Tigga)